Our tour guide Chippa runs a dance club for all the children of the township called Happy Feet Youth Dancers. The dancers performed for us and they were incredible. They range from about 6-16 years old and they practice for at least an hour every single day in a shack that they've painted and decorated.
Chippa is a father figure to many of these children and tries to provide them with a positive influence and teach them to have respect for themselves, go to school, protect themselves from HIV and pregancy, and just helps them to be good kids. It is really a remarkable thing he's doing and it was an honor to see it firsthand. We gave them candy and played with them for a few minutes after. Chippa said what they need most is warm clothes because many of them only have summer clothes so we need to work out a plan to help them acquire some coats and shoes and sweaters. That was interesting to me since my experience in the US is that most charities get inundated with clothes and there is an abundance of clothing for those who need it.
We also visited some families in the township. Most people live in hostels with 9 or more people in a room about the size of a college dorm room. Others have moved into shacks that have more room and seemed to me like a better place to live but these homes pose dangers like electrical fires so not everyone wants to move out of the hostels. We bought some souveniers from these families and waited as Chippa bought half a sheep's head for dinner from the ladies who cook them on the street. Chippa is a wonderful tour guide and we hope to spread the word and help his business grow.